Category Archives for "Motherhood"

Five Things That Annoy a Pregnant Woman

By Piyushi Dhir

Five Things That Annoy a Pregnant Woman

[Written in the 9th month of my pregnancy]Pregnancy is a nine-month roller-coaster ride that encompasses never-before-experienced highs, inexplicable mood lows, hormones-gone-berserk, anxieties of the wierdest kinds and what not. Everyone tries to please you and yet, there comes a time when just about everything starts to irk you. Here is a list of things that […]

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Letter to My Unborn Child (Pregnancy Diaries)

By Piyushi Dhir

Letter to my Unborn Child

[Written in the 6th month of my pregnancy]I didn’t even realize when the transition took place. From being a little seed inside of me, that would only be real when I saw your indistinct shape during ultrasounds, to becoming a live and moving baby, who communicates with me through the skin of my stomach. Your […]

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Abducted by Aliens (Pregnancy Diaries)

By Piyushi Dhir

Abducted by Aliens

I remember reading this haunting novel by Stephen King once, where an alien invasion takes place through human bodies. They enter the bodies of unsuspecting people, feed on one’s innards and brains, and keep growing until they burst out of you! It is probably unkind to say so, but that is pretty much how I […]

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Am I Woman? Or a Girl?

By Piyushi Dhir

Am I a Woman or a Girl

[Penned down in the 7th week of my pregnancy]I am a wife I manage my house, my career I give my husband advice I am independent, financially secure I am a woman…   But I still love To clutch a teddy bear when I sleep Give me colouring books And I will sigh in pleasure […]

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My Life Has Gone Topsy-Turvy

By Piyushi Dhir

My Life Has Gone Topsy Turvy

August and September have flown by and I barely have any posts to show on my blog. So what has kept me distracted all this while? What has allowed me to neglect my work, my writing? Well, I may be a writer, but starting August 2016, I have donned a whole new identity- that of […]

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